
Thursday, 17 December 2015

Database terminologies and history along with leading RDBMS technologies in market

Database :

Database is a collection of related data which can be shared by multiple users

Data :

Description of fact


Software used to manage database

DataModel :

Technology used to develop database


A table with columns and rows


A named column for a relation

Domain :

Set of allowable values for 1/more attributes

Touple :

A record of a relation

Relational Database

Collection of normalized tables

File Mangement System (FMS - Before 1969)

* Before 1969 there was no database concept
* Data are stored in files
* Whenever we need to retrieve data from files , the whole content loaded into memory


1. Misuse of memory
2. No relation between 2 files
3. No validation of data
4. More redundant data

Hierarchical Database Management System (HDBMS -1969) :

* First time the database concept comes into 1969 by using HDBMS data model
* It was developed by IBM
* It works for relations like 1:1 ,1:M means that the HDBMS datamodel works on parent - child relation
* If data belongs to M-M relation it will not work because one child con't have more than one


1. Redundant (Duplicate) data
2. Inconsistency (Incorrect) of data
3. Data search based on whole knowledge of data
4. Space misuse due to redundant data

Network Database Management System (NDBMS - 1971) :

* It is replaced of HDBMS by IBM i.e it supports Many - Many relations with same structure of HDBMS
* In this model data linking concept was introduce to manage M:M relations
* so this model was not accepted as efficient model because writing programs becomes more difficulty

Leading RDBMS products available in Market

1. DB2 :

1. IBM people introduced this database
2. DB2 works only on Mainframes
3. Maintenance cost is very high
4. in DB2 the security is very high


1. ORACLE Company introduced this database
2. ORACLE is platform independent
3. Every year ORACLE adds some new feautures

3. Sybase 

1. It is one of good database  , it provides good security
2. Microsoft has given the market to this database
3. It is very famous upto 1994
4. In india NIIT corporation used this database first
5. From 1994 Microsoft stopped to give the market support to this database because Microsoft introduced their own database i.e SQL Server


1. It is also similar to SQLSERVER
2. we can download this database from internet with free of cost and we can use
3. Very small organizations or companies using this database because they don't want to spend more money for buying or purchasing

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